kick-off of the Martinez Youth Challenge Program
September 19,
We are excited to
announce the kick-off of the Martinez Youth Challenge Program. Martinez
is the model for the entire nation and we are proud to be kicking it off
in our hometown. Can you imagine living in a city where people no longer
hurt each other and put each other down; but are supportive and accepting
of each other? Can you imagine living in a hate-free, compassionate society?
We would like your help in creating such a community right here in Martinez.
The authors of the
popular book series, Chicken Soup for the Soul included the Challenge
Day Program in their Teenage book and will be sponsoring part of the Martinez
Youth Challenge Program. They are also featuring the Challenge Day Program
in an upcoming book, to document how the message of Challenge Days has
affected people throughout the world.
We guarantee this
will be an eye and a heart-opening experience. The Youth Challenge Program
is a yearlong curriculum that integrates the award-winning Challenge Day
Program into an entire mentorship program that involves students and adults
from our-entire community. The Challenge Day Program is an amazing one-day,
life-changing, transformational program that builds much needed self-esteem
in our young people. It also discourages the violence, teasing, alienation
and isolation that is so common in our schools and communities.
The Challenge Day
program has been nationally recognized and now we are launching this large
project of the citywide Youth Challenge Mentorship model. We need the support
of everyone in Martinez to generate the momentum in establishing the City
of Martinez as a model of peace, love and unity for the entire nation.
If you would like to become a part of this movement, please call the Challenge
Day office at (925) 957-0234, or if you have any questions. They can also
be reached by through there web site.
The Challenge Associates Home Page
Tom Torlakson
Addresses the MYCP
