He is still at large and may kill again. DO NOT REMAIN SILENT ANY LONGER ... CLAIM YOUR RIGHTFUL REWARD ! PLEASE ... HELP US and yourselves by getting my son's murderers off our streets ... (it could just as easily have been your son or daughter). My son, Gary Jones, on his way home from work, had his young life senselessly taken while stopping for gas at the ABE gas station at the intersection of Mission Blvd. and Lewelling Blvd. Witnesses state two males in a mini van shot and killed Gary while at this gas station. The suspect is described as a Hispanic male, about 17 to 20 years old, five feet eight inches to six feet tall, with long dark hair, and the driver is described as a Hispanic male with a mustache. If you can assist us with information, please call one of the following numbers. Your identity can remain anonymous. Alameda
County Sheriff's Office:
![]() $70,000
Reward Offered In Two-Year-Old Hayward Homicide
HAYWARD, Calif. -- On Monday night, family and friends came out to remember Gary Jones who was killed two years ago after he was followed as he left a cannabis club in Hayward. The Alameda County Sheriff's Department expressed hope that renewed attention will help them solve the crime. Sgt. Scott Dudek says he is frustrated by the case. "I wish I could wave that magic wand and say 'Hey, this is who did it,'" Dudek said. Family
members described Jones as a loving and generous man who loved life. (More
plus video)
Valley Forum
Daily Review
you can assist us with information,
County Sheriff's Office:
you to the contributors to Gary's reward fund.